I'm afraid I went a little Legion crazy when the new Legion of the Damned models were released. I picked up 1 of every model released and then got a deal for an extra box minus the sarge. So I have 2 full squads, 1 10 man using multi-melta and melta gun, 1 10 man using heavy flamer and flamer.
Here's some pics of conversions I did to make the duplicates from the boxed set not look so samey.

I usually try to pick up metal models when they are first released as they have crisp detail since the mold hasn't had time to deteriorate. You should see some of my "recently" purchased steel legion compared to ones I picked up in the late 90s. There are huge blobs under their arms. I didn't think the Legion of the Damned molds would last long with all those undercuts so I jumped on them when they came out.
First step was do all the bone in Kermi Brown

Then I put Iyanden Darksun as a base for the flames

Finally I added Scorched Brown as a basis for the leather, wood, and purity seals.

I also built Bob's Ultramarines and Blood Angels.

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