with 2 assault cannons (1 was pre-heresy),

and a librarian for them to guard.

Next I got Lysander and tried my hand at sculpting to turn him into an Ultramarine.

Next I started working on a squad of assault terminators (I later finished 3 more Lightning Claws to go with this squad)

Then I had to paint the new terminator librarian

I took a side track and started working on some terminators (as I had receiving a boat load of terminator bits from Bob

I converted up a deathwing command squad using space hulk terminators

and had fun painting them

I built a Njal conversion

and un-blood-angel-ed a set of space hulk terminators

Finally I repainted 2 old land raiders 1 a Promethus and 1 normal

Since taking those photos I have painted 10 more assault terminators (from the giant batch), the standard bearer, and blue washed all of the other terminators.
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