I ended up getting 3 wins, 2 Draws, and 2 Losses. The points were a little weird (going from 0 - 50 per game in most cases) and I played a couple of jerks and some REALLY great opponents but all and all I had a blast. Hanging out with Bradford, Michael, and all the people we met was definitely the highlight! Dave Taylor taught and awesome class and I learned some sculpting tricks that I'll be trying out later.
But now that I'm home it's time to go back to painting. First up I put the orange down on the flames of the Legion of the Damned.

Next up waiting for me when I returned home was a box from the Warstore with the new wargames factory greatcoat infantry. I'd been waiting for this set for almost 2 years now as I thought they'd make good IG stand in, and work great for heavy weapon team spotters, and conscripts.
Here's the first conversion. This conversion was only done using 2 cuts to remove the stock gun and attach the cadian lasgun.

I liked this conversion so much I built 2 more.

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